La mayor plataforma de software para TPV - 250 versiones especificas para distintos sectores

In a strong economic environment almost every business project can generate benefits, however, the drastic economic contraction demands knowing, without any supposition, which part of your business is generating most of the benefits and which other are loss-making burdening the whole. This is CONTROL. A control just like the Software platform for POS carmen wks applies to the main points of your activity, showing your strongest and loss-making points so you can manage efficiently your business, against your competitors who do not know where to concentrate their efforts.

 ¿Which is your average ticket? ¿How can you increase it? ¿Do you have any inventory unknown loses? ¿Who are your clients and their likes? ¿How many of them have not come back during the last two months? ¿Does your suppliers keep the agreed price? ¿Who of your employers sells more?...



Management Software carmen wks has been developed to obtain the maximum control over these and other key points of your business in the easiest way for the user, simplifying the process and offering solutions and a step by step guide in a tactile interface. The 4.0 version of the commercial management software incorporates a dual concept in the management system that allows registering any administrative or commercial record indistinctly from the administration module or the touch screen in the cash register.
Depending of the business profile activated in carmen wks, the different modules developed to work in an office environment became more or less important in the operative process. Some management processes, traditionally done in an office, are more efficient when done in the same Point of Sale or Customer Service, but due to the software were postponed because it was impossible to register this information with the client in the moment. For our Development Team this was a simple question of evolution of the software systems in the companies. The carmen pos software can register also this operations in an easy and effective way from the POS touch screen without postpone them or doing afterwards in the office, extending the working hours.
Management software carmen Backoffice is an clear and easy to use app, which simplifies the traditional complex management modules, not resigning to the power and functionalities.    






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noticias carmen wks

Tormo & Asociados choose carmen pos for a promising national franchise. - The leading european Franchise Consulting Tormo & Asociados deploy carmen software

carmen POS in Sanitas- Right now, carmen wks pos software validates daily thousands of sanitary transactions in Sanitas, one of the leading health services of the country. Some Spanish banks will follow this and other projects, expecting…